Why it’s time to buy a new phone cover

Why it's time to buy a new phone cover

How much bacteria is on a mobile phone

Did you know that the average cell phone has over 10 million bacteria on it? Yikes! That’s why we’re here to tell you that if you haven’t bought a new phone cover in a while, it’s time. Here’s why it’s time to buy a new phone cover:

1) Your current cover is probably covered in gross stuff.

2) A new cover will give your phone a fresh start and make it look amazing again.

3) It takes less than 5 minutes (seriously!).

Bacteria, germs, and dirt are everywhere. They’re on your hands, they’re on the toilet seat in the bathroom (eww), and they’re on your phone.

How to clean bacteria from phone

If you’ve been using the same phone cover for more than a year, it’s probably time to get a new one. Not only is this because the material of your phone cover will start to wear down, but it also means that bacteria and germs have built up on your device. That’s right—the cover you use to protect your phone could actually be harboring germs and bacteria that can cause serious damage to your health.

When people think about germs on phones they tend to focus on what they can see: smudges or fingerprints. But there are actually many more places where bacteria can live on your phone: in the seams of a case, between the buttons and screen, or even under the battery cover (depending on how tightly it’s attached). This can lead to some serious issues if left unchecked!

The good news is that buying a new phone case is easy— you can just buy one of our beautiful phone cases (in less than 5 minutes!), and then throw away your old case. You’ll be preventing bacterial buildup and keeping yourself safe from harmful diseases in no time at all!

So don’t just get a new case—get yourself some peace of mind


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